10 Jan The Property Springboard
Posted at 12:01h
in Events
view the Property Springboard on Facebook
The Property Networking Event to help start you on your journey?
Looking to get involved in Property but not sure how? Don’t worry you’re not alone!
“TPS” can help – what to do?
1, Take action
2, Click the link & see if this interests you
3, Reserve your seat
4, Come along for “FREE”
“The reason most people never succeed in Property is because they never start”
We will have professionals in the room ready to answer any questions that you may have so GRAB a ticket, bring a friend & come along for FREE.
The TPS is hosted on the last Tuesday of every month, for more info email info@visionoffices.co.uk.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]